SHFs in East Africa typically have low yields and have potential for yield uplift by applying GAP and R&R (e.g. potential of 92% net income increase from yield improvements in Ethiopia, 138% in Kenya, 85% in Tanzania and 63% in Uganda3).
SHFs lack short-term willingness to renovate old treesdue to lack of knowledge and unwillingness to forego short-term income. This hurdle can be overcome by implementing demonstration plots.
Country situation
SHFs are mostly dependent on intermediaries to access markets and are largely disconnected from technical assistance, inputs and providers. However, situations differ across countries (e.g. cooperatives are strongerin Kenya).
Program segmentation
The program targets SHFs in loose value chains or with inconsistent access to markets.
Country need
Over 50% of the coffee trees in East Africa are over 50 years old. However, renovation is not always needed. A good level of productivity can be obtained through rehabilitation.
Program objectives
Train close to 140,000 farmers around GAP and rehabilitation techniques to increase their productiv