Where Can I Learn More?
Continue on to learn more about what you can do to support crop renovation or to download materials such as the complete Guidebook in English, Spanish and French.
Continue on to learn more about what you can do to support crop renovation or to download materials such as the complete Guidebook in English, Spanish and French.
Farm level investment decisions are highly complex and personal given individual needs and preferences, which can create challenges for farmers and investors alike who are considering investing in R&R. As part of the USDA funded MOCCA project, Conservation International is developing and testing funding models that incentivize the uptake of R&R, by de-risking operations and offering performance-based recognition. Models will also incorporate social and environmental provisions that ensure the viability for farmers who are undertaking R&R, and that native trees and intact forests are conserved as coffee trees are renovated. Ultimately these innovative models will serve as learnings for the R&R Collective Action Network which can be utilized beyond the life of MOCCA to support the efficient & effective scaling of coffee farm R&R.
If your organization – or a partner organization – is in Peru and interested in applying for a loan to conduct crop renovation or rehabilitation, please complete the application form found below and send it to scc@conservation.org by October 30th for consideration. We’re looking for innovative partnerships that will spark the uptake of R&R, so please feel free to submit any and all project ideas.
A key tenet of the Sustainable Coffee Challenge is to encourage the industry to work collaboratively to find effective solutions that address the challenges facing coffee. To help industry members navigate renovation & rehabilitation, with the generous support of USAID's Feed the Future and a team at Dalberg Consulting, the Sustainable Coffee Challenge released the Renovation & Rehabilitation for Resilient Coffee Farms: A Guidebook for Roasters, Traders and Supply Chain Partners. The Guidebook is a rich resource for companies, governments, investors, and service providers alike interested in undertaking R&R efforts. The Guidebook can help you partner up with an existing effort, start a new effort, or even refine your current program.
Click below to download an executive summary of the Guidebook, or to download the complete Guidebook in English, Spanish or French.
The following eight case studies are actual examples of renovation and rehabilitation programs. Click on each of them to get an overview of the efforts or download them in PDF to learn even more.
The following country data sheets illustrate the need for crop renovation and rehabilitation across seventeen of the largest coffee producing countries. The purpose of the data sheets is to give coffee sector stakeholders an overview of how countries’ needs and priorities differ, and thereby help identify what type of action is needed where.
The two-page sheets build on desk research using sources such as FAO data and country-specific coffee reports, semi-structured interviews with country experts – either from in-country experts or from experts with previous experience in the country, and modelling of need and yield uplift estimates.
Renovation & Rehabilitation has been in the news. Click on the following links to read articles from partners about the importance of increasing productivity.
There is a lot of work to be done to ensure the long-term supply of coffee from countries where the crop has long shaped the social and economic fabric. Learning to extend the life of their trees and improve yields helps farmers stabilize annual production and in turn, income, while the rest of the world benefits from a steady supply of quality coffee. Continue on to learn more about the immediate attention and action that is required to make this a reality.