SHF land in R&R need
‘000 hectares
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India is Asia’s second biggest producer
Coffee land
‘000 hectares, 2014
Production share
Global & region
7th in world
2nd in Asia
‘000 tons, 2014
~60% A
~40% R
~5% of total land is in need of R&R
‘000 hectares
~50% of trees have passed peak productivity and ~40% of Arabica trees are damaged by White Stem Borer. ~15-20% of low land areas could be at risk of climate change. Bad practices are less of an issue
Some potential for SHFs, though limited national impact.
Total national supply could increase ~5-15% if R&R and GAP is implemented on all SHF land in need of R&R2
(1) The current yield is calculated on the basis of SHF production divided by SHF land area, the potential yield uplift is based on an internal estimate based on other mixed countries and current yields– this study cites an average SHF yield of 0.625 tons/hectare;
(2) Rounded to the nearest 5%, estimate assumes that R&R and GAP increase yields with 40%, and the range reflects a 25-100% R&R success rate. Sources: FAOstat, Coffee production and land under coffee, 2014; ICO production statistics; USDA, Coffee Annual: India, 2017; Indian Coffee Board, Annual Report, 2016; Dalberg interviews
Most SHFs are at the bottom of the pyramid
The majority of national production comes from SHFs, but less so than other countries
SHFs are predominately in loose value chains or disconnected value chains, with weak and erratic links to market. There are few (well functioning) aggregation points for farmers.
# SHFs
(~1-2.5% of global SHFs)1
# SHF land
‘000 hectares
(~75% of national land) – average farm size ~1-2 ha)
# SHF production
‘000 hectares
(~60% of national production)
Assessment of SHF orgs.
No aggregation points and SHF orgs. except for non-traditional growing belts.
Links to market
SHFs typically sell their coffee via middlemen.
(1) Assuming a global SHF population of 20 million – we had two varying estimates on number of SHFs. Sources: FAOstat, Coffee production and land under coffee, 2014; ICO production statistics; USDA, Coffee Annual: India, 2017; Indian Coffee Board, Annual Report, 2016; Dalberg interviews
Despite its size and significance, few programs have been observed in India
Indian Coffee Board – Renovation of Traditional Areas
since 2015
Component of the XII Plan Scheme. The purpose of the program is to renovate more than 3000 hectares of coffee land in traditional coffee growing areas
There is a lot of work to be done to ensure the long-term supply of coffee from countries where the crop has long shaped the social and economic fabric. Learning to extend the life of their trees and improve yields helps farmers stabilize annual production and in turn, income, while the rest of the world benefits from a steady supply of quality coffee. Continue on to learn more about the immediate attention and action that is required to make this a reality.